
Last Updated 1st February 2024

Privacy and data policy

Hello, we’re Word Monster Limited and Word Monster Pty Limited (‘Word Monster’, ‘we’, ‘us’, ‘our’). And we keep a little bit of personal information about the people that interact with us. Data privacy is important and we take our responsibilities very seriously. We only retain data that is essential for Word Monster to perform its services – the personal information that we do collect is only used in a few, limited ways. And we never share personal information with non-essential third parties. Read on if you’d like to know about the ways we may collect, store, and use your data. If have a question, request or complaint about what we’re doing here or how we’re doing it, please email us at

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to keep track of things like how many people come to our website, whether you enjoy it, and which content you like best. When you’re planning world domination like we are, it’s also useful for us to know how many visitors we get from countries around the world. Google Analytics doesn’t give us any personally identifiable information about you, but it does use cookies and technically it’s still personal data – hence why we’re mentioning it.

CRM records

If you get in touch with us through our website or interact with us in a business capacity by email, on social media, or in person, we may create a record for you in our CRM system. We collect some information to help us understand more about you and your interest in Word Monster, in the hope to build a mutually beneficial business relationship with you. We’ll record any relevant information you let us know about you, like your name, job title, company, email address, phone numbers, and links to your social media accounts. We may record any business-related contact that we have with you, including emails, phone conversations, and social media engagement. We will keep these records in our CRM for as long as we consider you to have a legitimate interest in using our products or services.

Unless your engagement with us reaches a stage where we are actively talking about doing business together, we won’t use this information to make unsolicited sales calls to you, or to email you any content you haven’t asked us for. Where the data relates to actual services provided then your records will be retained for 7 years from the date the services were completed.

Recruitment records

We’re keen to attract top talent. And so, Word Monster is always considering the hiring of new employees and subcontractors. During recruitment drives we collect CVs and covering letters which contain personal information like names, postal addresses, dates of birth, contact details. Some people send us their CVs without us asking for them too (it’s great – we wholly welcome this). All of this information gets stored in a protected folder on our server. Unless you become an employee of Word Monster, we will routinely delete and destroy this information after a maximum of 1 year.

We collect and store this information for four main reasons. 1) To evaluate your suitability for a current vacant position, 2) To know if you have applied for a position with us before, 3) To let us contact you if a suitable position becomes vacant in future, 4) To understand the talent landscape in our sector.

Business development activities

We never hassle people for business. But occasionally, we’ll make the first move and contact a company we’d especially like to work with, if we have a strong belief they’d benefit from our services. That means we sometimes use data that wasn’t given to us. But in such cases, we only use contact data that’s publicly available (we don’t buy third party data) and only related to work (not personal). This might include your name, work email, phone number, address, or social media profile information. This data is only stored on our CRM and we never hold data for longer than is necessary. This includes regular purges to ensure our database is relevant and up‑to‑date.

If you hear from us and you’d rather we never, ever contact you again (sheesh, our bad – we’re really sorry, we thought you might be interested), please do let us know. In such cases, we’ll make a note that you don’t want to be contacted, and purge all records (besides the data needed to remind us not to get back in touch).

Data sharing

Client data is treated with strict confidentiality. We take all reasonable care and precautions to ensure that data is retained and processed in accordance with this policy and that it complies with client contracts and NDAs.

We will never share client data with non-essential third parties (e.g. our accountant is an essential third party) except with the permission of the client, or in the event of sale of the business, or if required by law. Data may be shared with subcontractors. All subcontractors are required to sign and work under a ‘Word Monster Freelancer Agreement’ and care is taken to ensure secure delivery and subsequent deletion of files and data.

If working in a public space, we will take care to protect your data from visibility, loss or theft. Measures may include: not using portable storage devices, reasonable restriction from public view of on-screen data, use of passwords and locked screens, never leaving equipment unattended, keeping printed materials to a minimum and ensuring their proper disposal.

If things change

Typo. When things change – sometimes it feels like we’ve updated these policies more times than we’ve had hot dinners. Digital marketing is constantly evolving; who knows what will be a perfectly normal use of data tomorrow, probably in ways we’ve never even considered before. If the changes become drastic, we’ll let you know so that you have the opportunity to change your mind.

If you’ve made it all the way to the bottom of this policy and you’re still reading this… still reading… can’t… stop… reading… then I take my hat off to you. Thank you for your interest in Word Monster. We hope that we can be of service.

That’s all folks.

We think that’s all the ways we collect, store and use information. If you have any worries, please feel free to get in touch.

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